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I'm curious

Do you know how awesome you are?

Or do you find yourself lost in the comparison game? Do you feel the freedom to go after your big dreams? Or do you feel held back by limitation and doubt?


Now is the time to discover how amazing you are! It's time to look your fears straight in the eyes and transform your life into something magical. It's time to unlock your fullest potential and follow the desires of your heart.

You got this!

let's talk!
I 'm Cassandra DeAnn

I like to think of myself as a storyteller.

My journey through self-discovery has been a wild ride full of transformation. Now, my heart desires to inspire and uplift others through my words. I help guide others through their journey of deconditioning from societal programming. I aim to inspire others to boost their confidence by facing their shadows and changing their lives. I share my knowledge in easy-to-understand, practical ways that empower others to live in their own unique expression.

I am an author, a spiritual mentor, a Starseed, an Akashic Records reader, a certified Galactic Astrologer, certified Human Design reader, and Gene Keys Guide.

that's only part of the story
I help others grow through...
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